Committed To Providing

Easy-to-Read (ERV) Bible Downloads

Committed To Providing

To help ensure that the first Bible people receive is one they understand, Bible League International’s translations of the Scriptures are written in everyday language. Bible League’s Easy-to-Read™ translations are available for free in PDF format for download (below) or visit our Bible Store to purchase available printed books.

You can also download our ERV Reader App, Bible League International’s new mobile app, which delivers God’s Word directly to your smartphone or tablet! Get this free app and have access to the Easy-to-Read Bible in your own language.

Please click here to view our License Agreement.

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[accordion-item id="bibles-thirteenth-column" class="Chinese-new-bible" title="▾ Chinese-English New Testament"]

New Testament


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[accordion-item id="bibles-fifteenth-column" class="Croatian-bible" title="▾ Croatian New Testament"]

New Testament

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[accordion-item id="bibles-sixteenth-column" class="Romanian-bible" title="▾ Romanian English New Testament"]

New Testament

[accordion clicktoclose="true"]

[accordion-item id="bibles-19-column" class="English-Jesus-bible" title="▾ English Jesus of Nazareth Bible"]

Old Testament

Extra Bible Downloads


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[accordion-item id="bibles-29-column" class="Indonesian-bible" title="▾ Indonesian New Testament"]

New Testament

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[accordion-item id="bibles-30-column" class="Turkish-bible" title="▾ Turkish New Testament"]

New Testament

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[accordion-item id="bibles-35-column" class="Vietnamese-bible" title="▾ Vietnamese New Testament"]

New Testament