In places where there are no local churches, and for growing churches eager to share the Gospel with those who have never heard of the gift of salvation, Bible League International provides resources and training for church planters. We help train and encourage students who are eager to show God's love, in remote areas and the world's busiest cities, so they can teach others and care for the spiritual needs of their communities.
Ordinary people plant extraordinary churches
We help local believers become church planters by providing Project Philip training as they spread the Gospel in their own country. They are motivated, mobile, and equipped to share the Gospel, grow the church, and disciple new believers.
It is vital that church planters be part of their own culture - to understand the people, languages, and culture. With passion for those who need to hear the Gospel, they share the Word of God, teaching about faith in Jesus Christ, answering difficult and important questions, and showing others the love of God.
Over the course of one year, Bible League International's training takes church planters through five steps to begin a new church.
Church planters learn how to communicate the Gospel in a way that is understandable and relevant to their culture. For example, church planters in the Philippines go door-to-door making personal contacts, learn about their neighbors, and invite them to a small group Bible study using Project Philip. In areas where other religions are strong, they build on friendships and relationships to share the Gospel. And in all places, church planters strive to show the love of Jesus Christ, especially in the midst of suffering or turmoil.
As church planters develop friendships through opening their homes and studying the Bible together, relationships develop. The church planter invites interested people to a home where they study the Scriptures. Relationships develop, and when new faith in Jesus Christ begins, church planters provide nurture and encouragement - lives are transformed and disciples are made.
Local Church
Those with new faith in Jesus Christ begin to meet with other believers, learn the joy of caring for others, praying together, and worship in the body of Christ. They also experience the important changes God makes in lives when part of a local church, including humble service and sharing the Gospel with others. In turn, new believers invite their family and friends to discover salvation in Jesus Christ, and as a result the church grows.
The church planter is trained to identify others with leadership gifts among the new believers, and then trains them to disciple and help lead the new, growing church of believers. Leaders are equipped to respond biblically to the questions that arise as God's Word is studied.
Worship and Service
A spiritually maturing church enjoys vibrant worship and service together, and this enthusiasm soon becomes practical, everyday care for those in need. New churches offer an attractive and loving testimony in their community, and engage in acts of service which show the care of God for others. With continued Project Philip training, the new church learns together, suffers and serves together, prays and worships together, and shares the Gospel together.