Zimbabwe Reaching 14,254 people with God’s Word in 2019.


Project Philip Bible studies have reignited the spark for discipleship across Zimbabwe, a country of more than 14 million. Bible League International is now reaching all 10 provinces, sharing the true Gospel in a sea of different faiths and belief systems.

While the numbers show that Zimbabwe is a Christian nation with almost 80% of residents claiming to be Christian, we know this is only on a nominal scale. The church has a significant influence across the nation, including in the national government. But even with such influence, residents lack access to Bibles of their own, so they cannot engage in the Word of God. Most people in Zimbabwe live on less than a dollar a day, so purchasing their own Bible is not possible.

Working with the Church

Bible League International’s goal is to partner with local churches to put Bibles in the hands of residents through Project Philip Bible studies. Major churches in the country have large followings—some close to 2 million—so by partnering, Bible League has the opportunity to reach the masses. Rural churches are also a priority.

By spreading the Gospel, lifestyles in Zimbabwe will be transformed. There’s already been a surge in church membership, and churches are becoming more stable with the introduction of the true Gospel. Chiefs and village heads around the country are open to the Gospel because with more Bibles, they see less crime.

2019 Ministry Impact Stats:

People Reached   People Reached with God’s Word: 14,254

People Trained   People Trained to Share God’s Word: 151

Churches Planted   Churches Planted: 48

Biblical Resources   Bibles & Bible Resources Given: 35,119

For more information about our ministry in Zimbabwe, contact Dr. Onismo Goronga, National Director at [email protected].