The heart of Bible League International’s global strategy is Project Philip, a Bible study program that trains local church members in evangelism and discipleship. Project Philip is inspired by the story of Philip and the Ethiopian in Acts 8. Philip asked, “Do you understand what you are reading?” The Ethiopian responded: “How can I understand? I need someone to explain it to me.”
Understanding Scripture
Project Philip trains leaders (we call Philips) who invite others to study the Gospel of John. As part of Project Philip, each participant receives a Bible for personal use, and is encouraged to become part of a local church.
Evangelism and Discipleship
Project Philip uses two kinds of Bible study: evangelistic and discipleship. All studies are available for the languages and cultures of the regions of Bible League International partnerships.
- The Gospel of John - an evangelistic study that introduces the one, true God, and clearly shows our need for salvation through Jesus Christ.
- Reaching Toward the Goal - follow-up discipleship study teaching the importance of Bible reading, prayer, a life of holiness, sharing new faith, and becoming part of a local church.
Becoming Philips
The more advanced level of Project Philip uses a Student Guide and a Teacher Guide to prepare believers to become Philips as Project Philip Bible study leaders to help others understand and enjoy God’s Word. Project Philip Bible studies encourage new life and spiritual growth in Jesus Christ, and the guidance of trained Philips is vital.
Project Philip in action
As a child, Ida struggled with hardship and loss, and she didn't understand why her life was so difficult. “I didn’t know God. I felt abandoned and discarded,” she says. When a neighbor invited her to a Project Philip Bible study, she began to read the Bible provided by Bible League International and she was transformed. “I learned how God is my Father … that He knows and loves me. I started to talk to my friends about Christ. I found the joy and peace I was missing.” Ida’s neighbor who invited her to the Bible study is part of an evangelistic effort among churches in Albania to bring the Word of God to every city, town, and village in their country using Project Philip.