The Gospel for the Under-resourced Church in the U.S.
Among the many poorer, ethnic and immigrant communities which dot the United States, the Church is growing. The majority of churches in urban and inner-city areas are small and under-resourced, but these believers are eager to reach their neighbors and communities with the Gospel. Because they have found hope and new life in Jesus Christ, they are able to reach others when they receive training and are equipped with God’s Word.
Ministry in the U.S
With your help, children and adults in 19 states will receive the Bibles, biblical resources, and training that lead to new faith and a new way of life. Through Project Philip evangelistic and discipleship Bible studies, adults and children will be reached with God’s Word. Through strong relationships with regional under-resourced churches throughout the U.S., Church Planter Training will equip believers to reach their communities and plant new churches where needed most. And Bible-based Literacy will reach the under-educated within these communities as they learn to read and write in English with God’s Word—with your help.
Church Planter Training will strengthen under-resourced churches from New York to California, Michigan to Texas—reaching those in poorer communities with God’s Word using both Spanish and English. Church leaders and believers in these communities lack the resources to disciple and strengthen new believers, but through Church Planter Training they are equipped to build up their struggling churches and even plant new churches in communities unreached by the Gospel.
Focus on Project Philip
Providing under-resourced churches with essential Bibles, biblical resources, and training through Project Philip also creates new opportunities for believers to reach their communities. When this ministry reaches children, it opens the way for their sincere faith to reach friends and families. Bryan is just 9 years old, living near a large U.S. city, and his family has little contact with others. But through Bryan they have been reached with the Gospel. “I learned how to have a relationship with God, that Jesus is the way to God, that I am saved by my faith in Jesus Christ,” he says, “Jesus is the only path to God, and he is my friend.” And Bryan speaks openly with his family and friends, and invites them to join him at church.