God's Word and the Middle East
Relative peace in certain countries (unnamed for security reasons) offers the opportunity to train and equip believers in under-resourced churches in the Middle East. And poverty and violence in other areas are daily threats to Christian faith and those who dare to believe the Gospel. Under-resourced churches in the Middle East realize the great need to provide discipleship Bible studies, and believers are eager for training to reach family and neighbors.
Ministry in the Middle East
With your help, believers in under-resourced churches will receive training with Project Philip Bible studies to share God’s Word as the lives of the people of the Middle East are transformed. And Bible-based Literacy in Arabic will reach the under-educated denied schooling due to poverty or religious prejudice—people who normally would not consider Christian faith will discover the Gospel as they learn to read and write using God’s Word.
Reaching adults and youth in the region takes a unique ministry of courage and patience. The opportunities to share God’s Word arise in friendly encounters, especially with those denied access to a Bible, confined to a life of poverty, or misled about the Gospel. Equipping under-resourced churches in the poorest areas of the Middle East is essential to reaching those who need to hear God’s Word in a way that is understandable and leads to faith in Jesus Christ.
Focus on Egypt
In a larger city of Egypt, a woman stopped in a book store where a Bible League International ministry offers Arabic Bibles to shoppers. She was asked, “Will you accept a gift from the store?” She recalls, “In spite of my head and body scarf they happily and enthusiastically gave me the book—a New Testament.”
She immediately responded, “I really would love to have the Old Testament as I have heard a lot about it and want to read it. Is it available?” A bit surprised, the clerk retrieved an Arabic Bible—Old and New Testament. Taught to fear the religious majority, and to be angry about people trying to speak to Muslims about Jesus, the boldness of this ministry was unexpected. “I’m very surprised at the friendly and courageous way you’re treating me,” the woman admitted.