The Need for the Gospel in Asia
The church is growing in Asia, even as persecution of believers becomes more intense and governments grow more hostile toward the Gospel. You can help those living in poverty and denied access to God’s Word, migrant and refugee communities, and adults and children facing persecution, poverty, or unable to access God’s Word. More than ever, the opportunity to dramatically change the lives of adults, youth, and children is within reach in Asia. With your help, the under-resourced Church in Asia will receive training and be equipped to share God’s Word with their families, neighbors, and communities.
Ministry in Asia
The under-resourced Church in Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam will receive Project Philip Bible studies and training that will strengthen their faith and encourage evangelism. Church Planter Training will offer the first opportunity to plant a church where needed most—areas without churches and unreached until today. And Bible-based Literacy will reach adults and children by teaching them to read and write in Bengali, English, or Hindi, using God’s Word. These are people who would not attend a Bible study or visit a church, but will hear the Gospel through Bible-based Literacy. The impact of God’s Word in Asia is growing and lives are being transformed with your help.
Focus on Vietnam
Rytha is the first believer in her family, and she is determined to lead others to salvation in Jesus Christ. For 10 years she quietly witnessed and prayed for a way to share the Gospel, and found it through Bible-based Literacy.
“I took the Bible-based Literacy facilitator training and returned to my hometown,” Rytha says, “and this was the first opportunity that God gave me to share His goodness with my family.”
like so many others in the region, Rytha uses Bible-based Literacy as a first-step to introduce others to the Gospel. “God has given me many opportunities to share the Gospel with my family, and some are visiting my church to learn more about Jesus Christ.”