Reaching Africa with God's Word
Africa is the world’s poorest and youngest continent—struggling with daily troubles including drought and threat of starvation for millions, little opportunity and systemic poverty, tribal and civil wars, crime and political corruption. These challenges threaten the lives of the poorest and most neglected. In rural and remote areas, slums of larger cities, and isolated villages, there is confusion from ancestral religious traditions and threats of terror from religious radicals. Their best and only hope for new life is found in God’s Word, and you are able to help provide what is needed most.
Ministry in Africa
With your help, God’s Word will reach adults, youth, and children through Project Philip and Church Planter Training in 11 African nations—Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. When the under-resourced Church receives essential Bibles, biblical resources, and training—in a way that can be understood and believed—lives will be transformed.
Using Project Philip evangelistic and discipleship Bible studies, believers will receive training to share the Gospel with those who have not read or been able to afford the high cost of a Bible. Church Planter Training will lead to new churches where needed most. In several countries, Project Philip Prison ministry will be used to reach those in prison and given little opportunity for change. And in South Africa, Project Philip continues to expand in the poorest schools. Once threatened with closure, these schools are now thriving because these Bible studies for children and youth are incorporated into the curriculum.
Focus on Tanzania
Ministry opportunities in Tanzania are extremely important this year—with more than one-half the population being age 24 and younger, and most have not had the opportunity to understand and believe the Gospel. Pressures from neighboring Muslim majorities threaten Tanzania’s future, and under-resourced churches can be prepared through training and equipping to reach the next generation, and strengthen churches through Project Philip evangelism and discipleship Bible studies.
Under-resourced churches in Africa are eager to reach the next generation with the Gospel. You can play an important role in the future of Christian faith in Africa today.