Pastor John Mmoka Mohlaodi, the ministry coordinator of Bible League South Africa, knows firsthand the power of God’s Word in the life of someone in a cult. He once was part of one—until he heard an American missionary preach.

“His preaching was right from the Word of God, and it made the difference,” Pastor John says. “I could just feel that Scripture working in me. I felt totally different; I loved it. And that’s when I got born-again, there and then.”

Today, he’s dedicated to ensuring that others can experience the power of God’s Word in their lives, too. “So many who adhere to cultic teachings truly desire to worship God,” he explains. “But there’s no Bible to guide them. As Bible League International, we are in the position to start teaching them about the life-saving grace of Jesus Christ. These churches need the infallible Word of God to guide them. Let’s provide them with the Bible!”